And a few minutes later.....yes we were those parents with a naked toddler running along the beach. At one point, Jackson took his diaper off as well. That is where I had to drawn the line and let him know we were not in Europe!
OOOH! It's cold!!
Jackson really enjoyed playing with sand toys this trip. He kept trying to take this truck out into the water and didn't understand why it kept going back to the shore.
Building a sandcastle with Noni and Granddaddy! Granddaddy makes the best sand castles!!
Getting water for the river.
Driving his truck up the castle.
Jackson had so much fun trying to chase this poor bird. If you look closely, you can see him taking off.
Looking for seashells to decorate his castle.
That shell goes right here.
He is all boy! Playing with a live starfish.
Come on daddy. This way!
This lion that Jackson is carrying apparently was Uncle Brad's. Jackson loved it and took it everywhere. This is him raoring like a lion. He really wanted to take it into the water with him. Noni tried to trick him and hid it under her shirt and said the lion ran away to Noni's house because he doesn't like the water. What does Jackson do? "I go get him" and off he ran! We finally had to give in and let him have it.
Trying to soak up a few rays.
Lunch at the marina! This is the best place for Jackson because he can run around and look at the boats until the food comes.
Getting an M&M from GiGi. It didn't take long for Jackson to warm up to her.
Hugs bye for GiGi.
Bye Bye Granddaddy! I have to mention that Noni was not able to be with us the last day because she had to go to work. Jackson was not happy about this at all! As soon as he woke up, he asked where Noni was. Then as we were driving to see GiGi, he thought we were going to see Noni. Then, when we pulled into our house, he asked if we were going to Noni's house. I think we are going to be making another trip to the beach soon!!