Welcome to the world Coraline!!
Future soccer stud? Jackson loves to put on his daddy's shin guards!!
Jackson LOVES giving his brother kisses!!
Jackson is getting to be such a big boy that a few weeks ago we started a chores chart for him. You can see that he has 6 things on his chart and each time he does one, he gets a sticker. At the end of the day, we count up his stickers and he gets a quarter for each sticker. He then has 3 piggy banks....save, church, jackson. He has to put 1 quarter in his save bank, 1 in his give to the church bank, and the rest for himself. He gets very excited and loves putting them in his banks! If you can see, today he already has 3 stickers on his potty chart. I think we have finally turned the potty corner because Jacskon has now pooped on the potty twice and went pee pee on the potty at school! Since he went poo poo on the potty, he got to go to the toy store and pick out any toy he wanted. He got an airplane that is bigger than he is! I will post a picture next week. He then said the cutest thing. He said "Mommy, when I grow up I want to be really brave and rescue people in an airplane." :) His airplane also came with 3 pilots and he kept calling them "piles". It was so funny! These are the first "action" figures he has ever had and it was so cute to see him use his imagination playing with them. Noni, I think it is time to get out the GI Joes!
Jackson's piggy banks :)
Beckett's first smile!