Happy Easter everyone! We had a rocky start but ending up having a wonderful holiday weekend! Poor Jackson has been quite sick recently. The week before Easter, he was diagnosed with pneumonia and placed on antibiotics. He got much better rather quickly, but then Wednesday before we were supposed to leave for Chicago, he respiked a fever. After much discussion between Greg and I and the pediatrician, we decided to go for the trip and added another antibiotic. Jackson did great the whole flight and drive to my sister's, but about 5 minutes before we got to her house, Jackson started vomiting. I felt so bad and thought we might have made a mistake in coming. Aunt Sarah so kindly picked up his medicine and we gave him his first dose that night. He slept like a champ and the next morning was ready to go! After the second dose of antibiotic, he was afebrile and back to his old self again! Yay! We had such a wonderful weekend with my sister and Jackson's cousins. Jackson and Nathan were two peas in a pod! Greg and I even got to get all dressed up to go to my good friend Meeta's wedding in downtown Chicago. I got to see some great friends that I hadn't seen in a while and we had a blast! This first picture is Jackson in his Atlanta Easter outfit on Palm Sunday. He got all dressed up and refused to take it off the rest of the day! He is already a southern boy!
Dressed in his Sunday best! Thanks Aunt Glo!!
Jackson and Nathan in their Lightning McQueen beds! We tried to get Jackson to sleep up there with the kids, but he is not quite ready. He loved laying on it though and watching cartoons with Nathan!
All dressed up for the wedding! We had so much fun!!
It didn't take long for Jackson to remember this game!
Great Grandma knows best! Nothing like some goldfish to warm him up!!
Orcutt Family pic!
Nothing like a picture with a mouth full of goldfish.