Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ducks, Turtles, and Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all! I had a wonderful mother's day which started with daddy making me breakfast. We then spent the morning feeding the ducks and playing at the park. This first picture is of Jackson pointing at all the ducks. I had to keep my eye on that goose that kept creeping up on Jackson.

Jackson pointing at the turtle that was basking in the sun. Jackson was actually able to touch it's shell!

We had bread to feed the ducks, but Jackson thought the duck would want a stick like Emma does.

Happy 2nd mother's day! I had to get a picture holding Jackson in the rocking chair like I did last mother's day. It is amazing what a year does!

Jackson was being so funny! He kept going to different spots and posing for the camera. Sitting on our front steps.

Posing in front of the door.

Posing in front of mommy.

I had to get a picture of our bedtime routine. Daddy will read Jackson several stories before I brush his teeth and put him to bed. It is just so cute! Jackson loves story time!!


Melissa Johnson said...

He just gets cuter and cuter! Going to break some hearts someday...

Aunt Glo said...

What a lovely Mother's Day picture! I don't know who looks happier, you or Jackson--just beautiful!!!