Class of 2027! That sounds so crazy!!! I decided that I wanted to start a tradition of throwing a pool party for Jackson's class each year when school starts. Don't worry Beckett, as soon as you start Kindergarten we will do the same thing for your class :) Since Jackson goes to such a small school, the entire class is quite feasible as it consists of about 30 students. I thought it would be so fun to have pictures of the kids from Kindergarten to Seniors :).

We rented a huge jumpy, had cupcakes, and the kids swam. Just prior to the party, it was pooring down rain!! I was a little worried, but God smiled down on us and cleared the skies for the 2 hour party window. As soon as the party ended, it started pooring again!

Because of the number of kids, I decided to hire 2 lifeguards. Best decision ever! The kids could play and the parents could chat and get to know eachother.

I had two tables set up with drinks, snacks, and cupcakes. We were all decked out in Walker maroon and gold!

Go Walker Wolverines!

Greg and I also went on our first kid free vacation since we have had children. We went to the Florida Keys for 4 glorious nights! We went with Andrew and Betsy and had the best time! We went fishing, jet skiing, rented bikes etc. It was a perfect getaway :)

Betsy and I caught the 2 largest fish that we could keep, but the biggest fish went to Greg. He caught a 4 foot lemon shark!! Unfortunatley, it broke off the line before a could snap a picture of it.

What made the trip the most relaxing was knowing our kiddos were in the best hands possible. Noni and Granddaddy were kind enough to come stay with boys while we went away. They did great! Jackson had football, baseball, birthday party, and an icr cream social at his school and didn't miss a thing! Somehow during that hectic schedule they even had time to make this robot out of boxes :). Best Grandparents ever!

My sweet Beckett. This boy loves to run, climb, get dirty, and use everything as a weapon. We are pretty much 100% potty trained. Yay!! He is still in a toddler bed, but soon we are going to get bunk beds for Jackson and put the big boy twin beds in Beckett's room.

Beckett has figured out how to turn the wheel and drive the jeep. He loves it. He is still much more cautious than Jackson ever was but he is getting bolder and bolder. Here he is driving standing up.

Big new in Jackson's world...he lost his first tooth!! He has been anxiously waiting for this tooth to fall out. He was constantly pushing it back and forth with his tongue. Well, I went to wash his face, his tongue was pushing on his tooth and it forced it to the point that it was barely hanging on. I asked him if he wanted me to pull it out and he said yes. I yanked it out and he screamed! I think it scared him more than anything. As soon as it was out, he couldn't wait to put it under his pillow!

Here he is putting his tooth in the alligator tooth holder that Aunt Sarah bought for him almost 6 years ago!

The next morning the tooth fairy came! He couldn't wait to take his money to the toy store and buy a new lego :)
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