It's basketball time! Jackson has started basketball at the church on Sunday afternoons and guess who his coach is? Daddy! He had his first practice this week and did pretty well! They have little Xs marked on the court so the boys know where to stand for offense and defense. It is really cute! I have to admit though, I think Jackson was most excited about getting new basketball shoes! He loves them!!
We had a weekend of birthday parties! 3 to be exact. Here is Jackson at Maggie's birthday party at Champion Kids. He loved going on the swing this time with the other kids. 
Beckett actually really seems to love Champion Kids. There are lots of things for him to climb on and climbing is his favorite thing right now!
Standing up like a big boy! Beckett is still not walking but will take 1 or 2 steps to get in between furniture. We also had his 1 year checkup and we have moved up on the growth curve! My little man is in the 50% in length and 15% in weight! Keep it up Beckett!! He is also really starting to talk more. He jabbers and jabbers like he is really having a conversation! He also loves to stack things and to put things in an out of containers. We now have 6 teeth and he uses them to the fullest! He loves to eat and will eat almost anything I put on his tray. He has even started trying to use a fork! He picks it up and tries to get the food onto it. It is a very long process, but eventually, he will get the food into his mouth!
Jackson and Jack heading down the big slide. They were so funny. Each time they went down the slide, they would try to grab eacchother. 
They were really sweet at Champion Kids. Beckett was by far the youngest one there, so they decided to get out the bumblebee so Beckett could swing over the ball pit. He made zero expression! He just looked around like this was an every day occurrence. 
My very own curious George! Beckett loves to explore and gets into everything! I was getting dressed one morning and thought he was being very quit.. I went into the playroom and found him with a huge smile on his face eating a black marker! Luckily it was notoxic and washable!!
It has warmed up again so we have taken advantage of the wamer afternoons outside. Beckett loves to be outside! As soon as he hears the beep of the alarm when a door opens, he books it towards the door to try to get out. If you close the door before he makes it, he lays his head on the ground in a defeated pose. 
Jackson loves to take pictures on my phone! Most of them are of his toys in different poses or of Beckett, but this is one he took of Beckett and I. Not bad!
1 comment:
Both of my boys look like daredevils! Jackson already driving and Beckett "zip-lining" with no fear ( or is he just calm on the outside?). Can't wait to see all of you soon! Granddaddy wants to know what the driving glasses do?
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