I am FINALLY updating the blog! We are starting with December, and it is a doozy!! First off, we had our annual meeting with the big guy in red!!
Jackson made his list and couldn't wait to tell Santa all the things he hoped for this year!
Beckett was so excited as well!
Football themed this year!
Biggest cookie cake I have ever seen!!
Happy birthday buddy! You are a smart, sports maniac, tender hearted and make us so proud everyday. We are so blessed that God brought you into our lives. We love you so much!!
We had the biggest snowstorm since I have lived in Georgia. 8 inches of the most perfect snow man building snow! We were predicted to only get a light dusting which made it even more incredible!
Look at the size of that snowball!
Frosty! I told Jackson to go inside to get a scarf for the snowman....he picked one of my decorative scarves....boys....
We lost power for a brief period, so we headed to the Poston's who have a generator. The kids could not have had more fun!
The proof!
Snow angels!
The kids had a great time with snow ball fights, snowman building, sledding, and a lot of hot chocolate!
This sweet guy celebrated his 6th birthday! What could be in that massive box?
A remote control Titanic for this Titanic loving boy!
Beckett got to pick his birthday dinner...chicken and rice.
Birthday dessert....chocolate chip cookie sundaes.
Happy 6th birthday to our funny, tenacious, leg building, Titanic loving, superstar. We love you to the moon and back!!
I had to add this photo.....kids decided to clean the windows..totally on their own accord.
Our recorder black belt! Every year they have Recorder karate....Jackson made it to black belt and then went even futher! Super proud of him!
This one loves an art project! Making a Titanic.
Pre-K Christmas Party! Becket is doing so great his year and has turned into a real leader!
Such a ham!
The kids do a book exchange....I don't think he was thrilled with his book.
These two! Best of buds but fight like brothers!
Beckett had for the first time his very own birthday party. He chose Adventure Air.
Sponge Bob
He was so excited to have a party just for himself.
I think he enjoys being in the spot light....
I hope he made a good wish!
Happy 6th birthday my little couche a louche.
Finallly! Presents just for me!
Such a sweet face.....
9 years old! He asked and got a fit bit.
Cousins were able to go to the movies to help us celebrate!
I made Jackson's favorite...peanut butter chocolate pie.
Annual ginger bread house!
We do these every year and they never seem to get any easier!
The final product which I believe stood for approximately 2.4 seconds before collapsing.
Jackson opted for a Christmas tree. It stood for 1.3 seconds.
Although we had our own snow mountain this year, we still had to go sledding at Snow Mountain!
First year everyone was big enough to do all the slides!
These 2 are troopers! Went up and down that mountain several times!!
Super fun!
All dressed in Christmas pjs. Milk, cookies, and carrots for our special visitors!
Setting out the loot for the big guy in red!
This year the kids big gift from us was a scavenger hunt. The first clue sent them to the location of family movie night....the basement. The hint for the present was December 27.
Clue 2 sent them to the location of where kitty momma goes poo poo. Hint was new head phones.....
3rd and final clue sent the boys to the room where Beckett is afraid of the hoo. (Beckett would not sleep in his room because he was afraid of the who...we later figured out that the who was an owl that would hoo in his window) Final hint was gift cards to Universal Studios gift cards. Big present was a trip!
Beckett got everything on his list. Air craft carrier, zipline, giant inflatable ball, lego ship, and science kit.
Jackson got 3 xbox games, a snow cone machine, and a football target.
Nothing says Christmas morning like a snow cone!
The best part of Christmas morning! The kids handing out the presents they picked out and bought at Secret Shop. I just love seeing them excited to give! Jackson got Beckett a make your own bouncy ball kit.
Jackson got daddy a new coffee mug.
Beckett got Jackson a sport themed gaming chair.
Jackson got graddaddy a desktop for his ipad.
He got Noni a scarf.
Beckett got Noni aa jewelry box.
Daddy a luggage scale.
Jackson a new pool float.
Granddaddy a paper weight for his many desks.
A new necklace for mommy!
A new purse and pancake making bowl from my pancake lover!
Hockey gear for the boys!
Trying out his new skates.
Present from Noni and Granddaddy. Super fun!!
3 Nesmith boys in a giant ball...
The mad scientist trying out his new science kit.
Universal Studios!!!!
This one LOVES staying in hotels. We stayed at the Loewe's Portofino Bay on property. It was beautiful and super convenient to the park.
First day hitting the rides! Unfortunately, we did not have the best weather. It was cold and drizzly most days, but that didn't stop us from having a great time!
I couldn't wait to ride all the rides again. Universal Studios was my dad's favorite park. It brought back so many great memories of my dad and sisters!
First ride...Transformers!
Monster café.
Harry Potter time! This is the newest part of the park and it really is amazing!!
Here comes the Hogwart's Express!
Family selfie on the Flight of Hippograth.
He cracks me up! His poses!!
Hogwart's castle!
We had to taste a chocolate frog....
Mommy opted out of this ride....
This kid loves Jurassic Park and couldn't wait to go on the ride!
Picture of the Hulk in the background. Only mommy was brave enough to ride it.
The only sunny day of vacation....
You can't go to Harry Potter World and not try a butter beer. We waited in line a long time for this....
You can keep your butter beer Harry Potter.
Poor Beckett. He loves sharks and I told him all about the Jaws ride and how much he was going to love it. Little did mommy know that the Jaws ride has been retired.......
Scooby Scooby Doo....where are you?
For the last night on vacation, we surprised the kids with an upgrade to the Minions suite. It was really something else. They slept in bullets and had their own door.
Minions only!
Chess stud!
I think I made it through most of our December high lights. I know I missed some things, but that is all I can do!! Ill be posting January high lights soon!!